Wednesday, 27 July 2011

What I Ate Wednesday

Breakfast: Oat, Soy milk, PB & banana smoothie (forgot to add the protein powder.. )
Snack: 2 rice cakes w/ PB & J
Snack: Alpro Soya Chocolate Dessert w/ Strawberries (my new obsession)

My day so far... I'm feeling really ill so the appetite really isn't there but I'm hoping things change within the next few hours because I'm hanging to try this recipe for low-carb cauliflower pizza dough. If so, the end result should be up on here tomorrow!

P.S. I'm totally aware my last post was MONTHS ago. I'm happy to say that since then I've lost 12 kilos... :)


  1. I'm so glad you commented on my blog so that I could find yours! First, congrats on the weight loss, way to go :)
    I have never tried that type of yogurt, sure sounds tasty though!

  2. Is the soya stuff like pudding? It looks good!

  3. Yep, it's just like pudding - really chocolatey too. Love it!

  4. I wish they sold that soy pudding here in australia. Congradulations on the weight loss too ♥

  5. Buttonss, I'm sure there would be a substitute out there in Aus.. just look out for something that is kinda like Yogo but soy based and you're good :)

    Thanks for the congrats! <3
